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  • MotionAnalysis
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Motion Analysis公司从事物体动作测试及测量方面的高性能光学仪器系统的生产,是全球范围内该领域产品最大的制造商,其产品适用于标准计算机和摄像设备的专利软硬件设备及光电技术,可应用于动画制作、动作捕捉及工业生产等多种不同领域。 
Motion Analysis公司于1982年5月成立于美国加州,总部设于加州圣罗莎市。
Motion Analysis Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of high performance optical instrumentation systems that test and measure the movement of objects. Our systems combine proprietary hardware, software and electro-optical techniques with standard computer and camera hardware. These systems evaluate motion in a wide variety of applications: Animation Production, Movement Analysis, and Industrial. 
We work closely with renowned specialists and third-party software developers to create value-added application software targeted at very specific vertical markets. Motion Analysis Corporation then licenses, maintains, and markets the software with its hardware systems.
Motion Analysis is a California corporation formed in May of 1982 with principal executive offices located in Santa Rosa, California. 
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